Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What Drives You?

They call this the Golden Circle.

I'm not in the mood to explain this theory in my own words so I'll just copy and paste from another source:

SOURCE: http://www.mondaysunday.eu/sinekstartwithwhy

     "The theory of the Golden Circle is simple but powerful and very inspiring. Every company knows WHAT they sell, or what they do. Most of them know HOW they do it. But very few companies and entrepreneurs know WHY they do what they do: what’s the purpose, cause or belief that inspires them. In order for a company or leader to be successful, they must communicate the WHY behind the WHAT and HOW. Only if this WHY, this deeper cause or purpose, appeals to other people they will sympathize with and support the company or leader. People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it."

To help you understand better, here's another illustration:

There. This Golden Circle thing might be a Business Management concept, but I realized something worth mentioning - something that you might find useful in trying times. Outside of the business context, I think we can apply this on a more practical-moral level.

In times of frustrations, discouragements, and downfalls. When you feel like giving up on something you really value, remember these few things:

- Do not let the "what" be your motivation, lest you fall into materialism, boredom, and overfamiliarity.
- Do not let the "how" be your motivation, lest you become mechanical and apathetic in your deeds.
- But let your "why" drive you. If you make the reason behind your action be the essence of your passion, the promise will not only be success, but more importantly, true satisfaction.

What keeps me going? My "why."

"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."
- Phil. 1:21 KJV


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