Tuesday, July 30, 2013

On Your Knees

"I want to challenge your prayer life tonight. Because I'll tell you, God never makes a mistake. He has perfection even when He says 'NO' or 'NOT YET'... What [God] is waiting for is obedience to what He has given you - for praise for what He has done for you. It's to honor Him with what you have. And when you honor Him with what you have,  then He will honor you with what He has. Don't seek for what He has in His hands. Seek His face and you will find Him on your knees. ON YOUR KNEES - not SOMEONE ELSE'S KNEES. Do you know how many times you have a problem and you [make a call and say]: 'Hey I'm going through this bump. Please pray for me.' Well, you pray first! Don't pick up the phone. Go to the throne!"

 -- Nick Vujicic, Fully Living for Jesus Christ


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