Sunday, July 7, 2013

Actuality vs. Potentiality


Potentiality - Any possibility that a thing can be said to have.
Actuality - Fulfillment of a possibility in the fullest sense.

Medyo mahirap intindihin ang definition kaya magbibigay na lang ako ng example:

--An electric fan, if not plugged in, is in its state of potentiality. The philosophy of Act and Potentiality suggests that if an electric fan is not plugged in, it is not an electric fan but a decoration. However, when the fan is plugged into an electric socket and it starts to function, only then can it be called an electric fan simply because it is in its state of actuality. In other words, In this philosophy, when an object does not fully do its purpose, it is not exactly what it is.

Bakit kailangan kong pahirapan ang utak na intindihin ang kaisipan na to?

Simple lang. May tanong ako sa'yo. Ilagay natin sa isang maselan na usapin at konsepto.

Are you a real Christian?

In Romans 6:22, the Bible says: "But now being made free from sin, and become servants of God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life."

If you say that you are a REAL Christian (you have been made free from sin), are you doing God's purpose for you?

According to the verse, your purpose as a REAL Christian is to be a servant of God having your fruit unto holiness - to be a servant and to be fruitful.

Are you a Christian in ACTUALITY... ?

Are you serving? Are you fruitful in the ministry? Are you living your life for His glory?

... Or are you a Christian in POTENTIALITY?

Are you just a decoration in the church? Are you not using your talents for the Lord? Are you fruitless?

Not everyone was called to be Pastors, Missionaries, or Evangelists. But certainly, being saved, we are all chosen to be part of the Body of Christ.

"One Lord, one faith, one baptism."
Ephesians 4:5

Isipin mo kung ano ang silbi mo.
Hindi pwede na palagi ka na lang taga-ubos ng oxygen sa paligid mo.


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